Thursday, June 24, 2010

A day at the shop...

A bouquet graces our table from the local farm stand in Chaplin.  Stop by Bedlam Road for a $4 bunch of lovely garden flowers.  The farm stand sells things all season long.  Linda loves their garlic pesto!
So, in between customers Sandee is out on her brandy new bike!  A bunch of us have tried this great new bike out and of course we all want one.  It is mighty comfortable.  Check out Scott's Cyclery if you're looking for a new or custom bike.  
Kathy is showing off this Clapotis shawl knit by Barb W. The big story is that Barb took 2 skeins plus a little extra yarn...and Sandee can't remember starting a third ball, she claims that she only used two skeins!  Well, Sandee did use all that yarn...and Barb did eventually convince her of the fact.  Don't worry, if she's helping you figure out a project...your project will be calculated correctly!  Barb used Rustic Tweed...2 skeins PLUS a little.
Kathy and Winston the Mule...Winston is a very personable Mule!
Bonnie brought Zoe by for a shop cute!
And...if you haven't been by to Yarns With a Twist lately...there is a pot of lovely yarn at the end of this rainbow.

1 comment:

  1. The flowers are sooo purty!!! and you ALL look great sporting bikes and your knitted creations - including little Zoe the four-pawed yarn princess (& thief - hehehe).
